Sunday, January 16, 2011

Dawn's Bag

In the homes, where little kids live, THINGS will often HAPPEN... And when they do Happen, nobody has any explanation when they happened, or why. Things just mysteriously appear, out of the blue.

Just like that little blue mark on the front of Dawn's new green bag!..

One day it appeared out of the blue, and, as usual, nobody knew when it appeared, or what it was doing there, on the front of Dawn's bag...

It seemed as though the mark was made by a pen. It looked like this:

Mysterious little blue mark...

Of course, Dawn wanted to wear her new green bag, but she did NOT want to wear it with that mark on it!
So she tried to wipe the mark out with a wet cloth. Then scrub it with some soap.

But the little blue mark was not really going away. It was still there, in the same spot, on the front of the bag! In fact, the wet cloth made a smudge around it. Now, not only the blue mark was there, but also, there was a faint blue and green spot surrounding it...

The blue and green spot...

Dawn wanted to do something to fix her new green bag.

Unfortunately, most people, who knew how to fix bags, could not help her. The little blue spot was right in the very front of the bag, and there was no other way to cover it up, than to find a piece of exactly the same green leather, the bag was made of... Then to sew the piece of the green leather on top of the mysterious blue mark and the blue - green spot, to hide them both!

But where could Dawn find a piece of the same green leather, her bag was made of? The people, who knew how to fix bags, did not have any. There was none of it in the store either.

Dawn hoped that the lady, who once made her new green bag still had some of that leather left, just enough to cover up the mark and the spot.

But the lady, who made Dawn's new green bag lived quite far away. Dawn sent her a message, telling her what happened, and asking if she still had any of the green leather left. And if she could fix Dawn's new green bag, so Dawn could wear it again...

The lady, who once made Dawn's bag read the message. She knew that in the homes, where little kids lived, THINGS do  HAPPEN... Not that Dawn was not careful with her new green bag....

The mysterious blue mark was an accident. And accidents HAPPEN.... And when they do Happen, nobody has any explanation when they happened, or why. They just mysteriously appear, out of the blue.

The lady, who made Dawn's bag wanted to help Dawn and fix the bag. So she went to her closet and took out a big box full of small pieces of leather of all different colours. She opened the lid and started looking... There were so many pieces of leather inside the box, so the lady, who made Dawn's bag, had to dig down to the bottom of it. She picked, sorted, folded and put back so many pieces of leather, hoping to find the green one, which she once made Dawn's bag of . 

Finally, there it was... Green, soft and very nice.... There was just enough of it to cut a small piece and then sew the piece over the mysterious blue mark and the blue and green spot, to hide them.

The lady, who made Dawn's bag, sent Dawn a message, saying, that she could help Dawn, if Dawn sent her the bag by mail...

Dawn was so happy to hear that her new green bag can be fixed, she mailed it immediately!

When the lady, who made Dawn's bag received it in the mail, she looked at the mysterious blue mark and the blue and green spot around it, and knew just what she needed to do.

She cut a long piece of the green leather, folded it and stitched it, then folded and stitched some more. Finally,  the mysterious blue mark and the blue and green spot on the very front of Dawn's bag were gone. And instead, a new flower, made of the perfectly matching green leather appeared where they once were...

A new flower, covering up the blue mark

Now Dawn's new green bag had four flowers, no blue mark, no blue and green spot, and Dawn was able to wear it again!
And she wore it happily ever after...

The End.

p.s. My kind and supporting Grandmother has always been encouraging me to write a children's story. This comes the closest to my first attempt..
The "story"covers a custom repair I worked on this week; the bag in pictures is Mustard Green Limited Edition Sarah, that was sent to me with the request to cover up the mark.

Accidents happen, and I am glad to be able to assist my customers with specialized repairs, such as this one, requiring specific leather or other detail.

All accidents welcome.
All fixed up and ready to go home...

1 comment:

  1. I love this : "All accidents welcome." :) I don't have children but I have a lot of people around me who do. And it's so true, sth happens, and no one knows how it came to be. ;)
